Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Super connectors or Superconductors?

** I meant to send this last week when I was in Silicon Valley, surrounded by technology, start ups and the energy there.

I know little about science especially physics.  I liked chemistry and did well in it but I cannot remember how or why I did well in chemistry but not physics.

I've been thinking a lot about connecting with people.  I sometimes feel like I need to apologize for working hard at staying connected with people.  Honestly, I've been shamed for this.

In my usual musings as I wander around my house, the word superconductor came to mind.

Superconductors are elements, inter-metallic alloys, or compounds that conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature. Resistance produces losses in the energy flowing through the material. However, once set in motion, electrical current will flow in a closed loop of superconducting material, making it the closest thing to perpetual motion.http://www.directhit.com/shopping-answers/what_are_super_conductors?oo=15145

This is what I found when I googled-imaged superconductor.

I liked these phrases "elements that conduct electricity without resistance.....Resistance produces losses in energy..."  Maybe I am a superconductor element because extroverts tend to conduct some "electricity" and energy at times as well as producing unwanted sparks and shocks.

I  like the hovering image above as well; reminds me of hummingbirds.

The other phrase super connector actually applies to people.

Here are some quotes from an article about super connectors:
Social capital — and the ability to form real relationships
Enter the super connector — someone whose main talent isn’t coding or building things, but introducing people. 
“Meaningful relationships come from meaningful connections,
Ultimately, it’s this selfless approach that makes the super connector such a valued resource. Although they do see a return on their investment of time and energy, it’s often not immediate. Instead, they’re driven by a genuine desire to help out the talented people in their circle.
“It’s not about trying to get some big win every time,” .... “Relationships take time.”

Here is a link to the entire article: http://tech.co/how-super-connectors-are-changing-the-tech-world-2013-06

I am a "super connector" as mentioned in this article in terms of networking people, but I think I am more of the "connector-conductor."  I like to connect with people just to be connected, simply to show them I am thinking or praying for them, and that I value them. I pay attention to people's lives NOT because I "just want to be in the know."  I care for people.

I admit that an extrovert can become very self-focused and have little self-awareness and selfish.  This is where my belief system, my relationship with Christ, comes in.

The apostle Paul wrote in the other 3:16 verse (you know what I mean, the one we all know from the football games or childhood is John 3:16). But this other one is a good one too.
I Corinthians 3: 16: "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and God's Spirit dwells in you?"

God's Spirit works in me to remind me of my need for God, and gives me an awareness of His presence in my life. God's Spirit reminds me to focus on others.  I want to behave well. I would really like the fruit of the spirit to be evident in my life.
Galatians 5: 22- "For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness."

The fruit of the Spirit shows up when we are connected with people. All of us need the reminder no matter whether we are superconductor or not, to think of others, connect with others, serve and love others.

So my hope is to be a superconductor and encourage others and a super connector, letting people know that that not only is God real and loves them through Christ, but also that they mean so much to me.  And I really MEAN THAT (to you all reading this!)