Tuesday, June 4, 2013

An extroverts responses to a fun buzzfeed: "Unmistakable signs that you are an introvert"

Although I connect with a few of these....http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinlarosa/31-unmistakable-signs-that-youre-an-introvert

Here are an extrovert's comments:


1. This is your inner monologue during after-work drinks: I hate people.

I have an inner dialogue all the time.  I don't think I've ever said that....

2. You know that canceling plans is like winning the lottery, especially when someone else does it.

I have also thought canceling something was winning the lottery especially for evening events.

3. You’ve mastered the art of turning a day at home, doing nothing, into SOMETHING WONDERFUL.

There is nothing like a good snowstorm and being stuck at home alone. Yes, I say that in all honesty.  Now, to be stuck at home for a few days, that is a different story.

4. People often ask, “What are you thinking about?” because they haven’t heard you speak in a while.

Okay, so this is not OFTEN said to me. But it has been said to me!

5. Meeting new people? Please, you already have more than enough friends.

I have NEVER said this. Ever.  However, my husband said these exact words to me.

6. If anyone ever throws you a “fun” surprise party, this is your reaction: "I don't think I can forgive you for this."

No way.  "Surprises ARE FUN."  (I think that is a quote from the Bible.)

7. You don’t hate parties, it’s just that you don’t LOVE being around a ton of people.

Actually, I have often felt this way at a party.  I don't like crowds. I can get silent and withdrawn in a crowd  I would NEVER go to a loud music concert. 

8. And you’re ready to leave shortly after arriving.

I have thought this although I am often with someone who is more likely to say this.

9. You’ve never said this before: The more the merrier.

Okay, I say it about once a week.

10. Agreeing to a lot of nights out in a row isn’t fun. AT All.

I've heard this a lot and have I've said it myself. (Not often.)   I LIKE coming home from a busy trip.

11.When you’ve been around people for too long, there comes a moment when you realize you need to be alone OR ELSE.

Hey, introverts, this has happened to me too.  Rarely but it has happened.  And I've been the "OR ELSE" before....ha ha.

12.On the weekends, this is your daily battle: Are you going to get dressed today?

Just weekends only?   I can beat that.

13. You wear headphones for a reason, and it’s so that people will (hopefully) not talk to you.

Guilty.....on airplanes and even in the kitchen if it's a good book recorded book.

14. The idea of working from home, all by yourself, fills you with a kind of happiness that’s borderline giddy.

I am so thankful that I work at home.....flexibility, wear workout clothes all day, get things DONE.

15. Because being an introvert means you’re a really great listener.

I really, really, REALLY have worked at becoming a good listener. And I've had some positive feedback on that.  I have known introverts who can "let loose" with the words and absolutely not let another person get a word in edgewise. Extroverts KNOW they need to button up so if they are self-aware, they try.  I think introverts can be so unfamiliar with "being talkative territory" that they fall into it and cannot get out.  I've been with them and it's not pretty.  

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